“1789 -Les Amants de la Bastille-”
Le Spectacle Musical 《1789 - Les Amants de la Bastille》“1789 -Les Amants de la Bastille-”
The story is set in France in the latter half of the 1780s. Cracks are starting to appear in the rule of the once-flourishing Bourbon Dynasty. Uprisings by citizens burdened by excessive taxes are a common occurrence throughout the country.
Ronan's father was shot to death by officers and his farmland taken away. He makes a desperate vow to take revenge for his father and to have his property returned. Leaving his hometown and heading for Paris, he encounters the young revolutionaries Desmoulins and Robespierre at their stronghold of Palais Royal. Having come into contact with their ideology, he now starts to put his hopes on the coming of a new era.
Meanwhile, Marie Antoinette, Count Artois (the younger brother of the King) and other aristocrats continue leading sumptuous lives in the Palace of Versailles, unaware that the dissatisfaction of the citizens is on the verge of boiling over into revolt. Furthermore, Antoinette is burning with forbidden passion for Fersen, a Swedish military officer. The couple secretly visit the Palais Royal for a tryst. Ronan, who happens to be present at their secret location, has a fateful encounter with a woman named Olympe, who is attending Antoinette. The two soon develop feelings for each other. Yet their love is a turbulent one, given that Ronan detests the monarchy and Olympe, being the governess of the Crown Prince, is in the service of the Royal Family.
The flames of the revolutionaries, who have gained the support of the citizens, will shortly surge in strength. The movement will grow until it becomes a major force that will move history. July 14, 1789, the day the Bastille is stormed, has arrived for Ronan, who has thrown himself into the revolution.
“1789 -Les Amants de la Bastille-”
Ronan Mazurier [Young man whose father was shot dead by the authorities]:
Olympe du Puget [Governess of the Crown Prince / Girlfriend of Ronan]:
Hitomi Maisora
Charles, Count of Artois [Younger brother of Louis XVI]:
Camille Desmoulins [Revolutionary and journalist / Friend of Ronan]:
Maximilien Robespierre [Young senator from the commoner class]:
Marie Antoinette [Queen of France]:
Hitomi Arisa
Count Lazare de Peyrol [Noble officer]:
Lieutenant du Puget [Manager of the Bastille prison explosives depot / Father of Olympe]:
Lady Yolande de Polignac [Tutor to the Crown Prince / Friend of the Queen]:
Jean Paul Marat [Physician / Reporter for his own newspaper]:
Makoto Oki
Jacques Necker [Minister of State]:
Louis XVI [King of France]:
Dr. Guillotin [Physician / Politician]:
Georges Jacques Danton [Lawyer / Friend of Camille Desmoulins]:
Ema Amahana
Jacques [Printer at Marat’s printing press]:
Michelle [Printer at Marat’s printing press]:
Solene Mazurier [Younger sister of Ronan]:
Auguste Ramard [Henchman of the Count of Artois]:
Count Hans Axel von Fersen [Swedish officer / Lover of the Queen]:
Charlotte [Bastard of the Palais Royal]:
Lucile [Fiancée of Desmoulins]:
Loisel [Henchman of Ramard]:
Tournemain[Henchman of Ramard]: